Monday 8 February 2010

Senegalese food in Genova?

Yup it's true. There amidst the pesto and foccaccia, right by the port is a Senegalese restaurant. Our hero Pap from L'Orchestra di Piazza Vittoria (well from Senegal originally) took the orchestra out to eat there. It's pretty cool - he has this philosophy that all Senegalese are his brothers so wherever we're touring he seeks out a restaurant and goes there to check in with his community. (There are several reasons why the English people don't do this but that is a whole other blog entry, my friends.) The night we went there, Thiof was on the menu. Thiof is a long fish similar to cod - let's face it, which white fish that comes from the Atlantic is not similar to cod? It's quite delicious and the Senegalese girls also like to call a good-looking guy a "thiof" - the shape of the fish is key to understand fully the joke.
Anyway, we ate like princes and princesses and paid 4 euros each for the priviledge. It's a bit shockinginagoodway to eat that well for so little in Italy. So if you're ever around here and get sick of Italian food - which can happen if you're not used to eating pasta at least once a day - try some Senegalese food. Yum.

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